OVERLAND EXPEDITION campers & subframes
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DE-HUMIDIFICATION: In a closed and well sealed camper, without proper airflow, heating, and exhausting of moisture laden air from showers, cooking, and washing dishes, as well as traveling or living in a high humidity climate zone, will cause condensation issues inside the camper. Excess moisture is a problem, even under the best of circumstances. In shower areas, it is a must to have a exhaust fan. Cooking areas should also be hooded if possible and have an exhaust port to the outside. Living in the camper full time or storage of the campers do well with a dehumidifier. When you seal out the weather, you also seal in the interior "weather" and evaporated moisture in the air. When the temperature of surfaces and dew point are within 2 degrees Celsius, condensation will appear. The goal is to reduce the dew point by removing moisture from the air.